Invitation: May 27, 2023
Vesakh Festival (Buddha Washing Ceremony)
1:30 p.m. Registration and preparation
2:00 p.m. Briefly about the festival and the ceremony
3:00 p.m. break
3:15 p.m. Eating together
4:30 p.m. Conclusion and cleaning up
Participation in the above event is only possible with prior registration. We look forward to you! The ACC Germany team. (Registration deadline: May 20, 2023)
Reisebericht 1 aus ACC Namibia
von Frau Yasmin Jeng
Ich kam auf dem namibischen Flughafen an, wo sich der Abflug um fast anderthalb Stunden verzögert hatte, inmitten der Panik über die häufigen Annullierungen deutscher Flüge. Die Direktorin hatte fast zwei Stunden lang im Terminal ausgeharrt. Auf den belebten Straßen gibt es Straßenhändler oder Kinder, die einem Dinge aufdrängen. Der Kontrast zwischen dem armen Land draußen und den sauberen, wohltätigen und disziplinierten Schulen und Betreuungseinrichtungen von ACC war krass. Es ist schwer zu glauben, dass dies Namibia ist, wenn man die sauberen und gut organisierten Schlafsäle, Speisesäle, Schulen und das Buddha-Zentrum sieht, in dem die Morgen- und Abendkurse abgehalten werden. Das gut gesprochene Chinesisch der Schüler, ihr höfliches Verhalten, die stille Konzentration während der Mahlzeiten im Speisesaal und die Dankgebete vor und nach dem Essen gaben mir das Gefühl, in einem sehr reinen Traum zu leben und nicht aufwachen zu wollen. Erst als Wasser und Strom ab und zu abgestellt wurden und die Schule kein Internet hatte, war ich wach und mir bewusst, dass ich in Namibia war.
Enclosed you will find current statistics from ACC International.
Thanks to your donations and support, it was possible during the difficult Corona period (2019 – 2021)
many people who live in the surrounding villages and suffer from great poverty, in the famine
to help and make their lives easier. (Attachment 1)
Approximately 25 million meals were distributed to 115,936 starving people. Masks to protect against covid-19,
sanitary items and nearly 3,000 wheelchairs were also made available to those in need.
In Attachment 2 you can see that by the end of 2021 a total of 1295 children lived and studied in 7 ACC centers. Here see
listed in figures how many children attended elementary school and how many children attended high school.
You can also see that in 2021 through the CBO program (Community Based Organization)
a total of 6.36 million meals were distributed to sick seniors and children affected by poverty.
enclosed you will find the invitation for the event in May 2022.
May 7th Feast of Vesakh- Buddha’s ablution ceremony
11:15 Registration and preparation
12:00 Offerings and recite Diamond Sutra
13:00 Eating together
14:30 Farewell
Participation only possible with prior registration. Looking forward
to your coming!
All the best and best wishes for the spring festival in the year of the tiger from ACC Lesotho!!! ❤️
Thank you very much for your great support ???!
For Spring Festival 2022 ~ A heartfelt message from the children of Lesotho ACC ~~ We have all grown up!
2010 was our first year at Lesotho ACC and now in the new year 2022 we would like to say a big thank you to our hardworking monk father Huili and to all our godparents and godmothers who have a heart of “love without borders”: “We are all grown up Thank you for all your hard work and support over the past 12 years!
We don’t know if you all remember what we looked like when we were little and shy: little Obama, the little boy who couldn’t show his respect when he kowtowed (he fell asleep doing it), the Head of the center Mi….
The packages from Germany have now arrived at ACC Mozambique.
Just in time- The new semester starts on February 1st ❤️!
The children thank you very much for the donation and are really looking forward to it ?!