

Amitofo Care Centre Germany e. V. is a non-profit organization.
Here you will find all the information you need to donate for Amitofo Care Centre.
Please use our donation form. Please print it out, sign and send it back to us.
We will gladly issue tax-deductible donation receipts.
If you have any further inquiry, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly or use our contact form. We will handle it confidentially.

Donation account and purposes:
Donation account:

Amitofo Care Centre Germany e. V.
Association registration no. 11171

Bank account:
Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf
Account No.: 1007152000
IBAN: DE21 3005 0110 1007 1520 00

Purposes of donation:

  1. Expansion of care centres:
    You decide by yourself how much you would like to donate.
  2. Godparenthood:
    One child 180 Euro / year
    A child will get sufficient food and goes to school until
    he/she finishes high school and more.
    You can choose to pay monthly 15€ and support a child as parenthood.

Ways to donate:

  1. Cash
  2. Remittance
  3. Automatic debit transfer
  4. Standing order

You will receive a donation receipt according to the information you provide us. Please help, every donation counts !
For more details regarding donation please see the attachment.