Category: past
ACC Annual Report 2021
Reisebericht 1 aus ACC Namibia
Reisebericht 1 aus ACC Namibia
von Frau Yasmin Jeng
Ich kam auf dem namibischen Flughafen an, wo sich der Abflug um fast anderthalb Stunden verzögert hatte, inmitten der Panik über die häufigen Annullierungen deutscher Flüge. Die Direktorin hatte fast zwei Stunden lang im Terminal ausgeharrt. Auf den belebten Straßen gibt es Straßenhändler oder Kinder, die einem Dinge aufdrängen. Der Kontrast zwischen dem armen Land draußen und den sauberen, wohltätigen und disziplinierten Schulen und Betreuungseinrichtungen von ACC war krass. Es ist schwer zu glauben, dass dies Namibia ist, wenn man die sauberen und gut organisierten Schlafsäle, Speisesäle, Schulen und das Buddha-Zentrum sieht, in dem die Morgen- und Abendkurse abgehalten werden. Das gut gesprochene Chinesisch der Schüler, ihr höfliches Verhalten, die stille Konzentration während der Mahlzeiten im Speisesaal und die Dankgebete vor und nach dem Essen gaben mir das Gefühl, in einem sehr reinen Traum zu leben und nicht aufwachen zu wollen. Erst als Wasser und Strom ab und zu abgestellt wurden und die Schule kein Internet hatte, war ich wach und mir bewusst, dass ich in Namibia war.
Thank you very much for your great support
All the best and best wishes for the spring festival in the year of the tiger from ACC Lesotho!!! ❤️
Thank you very much for your great support ???!
For Spring Festival 2022 ~ A heartfelt message from the children of Lesotho ACC ~~ We have all grown up!
2010 was our first year at Lesotho ACC and now in the new year 2022 we would like to say a big thank you to our hardworking monk father Huili and to all our godparents and godmothers who have a heart of “love without borders”: “We are all grown up Thank you for all your hard work and support over the past 12 years!
We don’t know if you all remember what we looked like when we were little and shy: little Obama, the little boy who couldn’t show his respect when he kowtowed (he fell asleep doing it), the Head of the center Mi….
How do we look now? Do you recognize us?
The packages from Germany have now arrived at ACC Mozambique
The packages from Germany have now arrived at ACC Mozambique.
Just in time- The new semester starts on February 1st ❤️!
The children thank you very much for the donation and are really looking forward to it ?!
Two Events in April
Dear friends of the ACC,
We hope you had some nice Easter holidays.
Today I have two event notices for you.
1. Sun. 8, April at 14:00 in ACC Germany e.V.
14:00 -15: 00 Three important elements to get to know Buddhism.
15:00 -15: 15 break
15:15 – 16:00 Recitation of the Diamond Sutra
16:00 – 17:00 Dinner together
17:00 Farewell
This event is held exclusively in Chinese.
2. Sun. 22, April at 14:00 in ACC Germany e.V.
Theme: Qigong – Origin and Development in China
Speaker: Dr. Kai Meng
14:00 -15: 30 Lecture
15: 30-16: 00 Q & A
16:00 – 16:30 Teatime
16:30 Farewell
This speech will be held in both Chinese and German.
We are looking forward to your participation. Registration requested!
Your ACC Germany e.V. team
Invitation: “Heyi” health exercises
Our volunteers Lili Chen and her husband Hanbin Lin came to Taiwan last year and met Heyi.
Heyi includes Tai Chi, Qi Gong, which is beneficial for rejuvenation & health.
They themselves practiced the exercises on site and benefited greatly from them.
Pain on the right shoulder of Hanbin is no longer there, also Lili feels more alert and active after the exercises.
On 25/03/2018 in ACC Germany e.V. they want to introduce us to the secrets of Heyi, so that we can lead a healthier and more vital life.
During the exercises a German translation is available.
13: 00-13: 15 Presentation of exercises, warm-up and
meridians tapping
13: 15-14: 00 Practical exercises
14: 00-15: 00 break and exchange
15: 00-15: 20 Heyi Qigong (breathing exercise)
Participation is welcome. Registration is requested at:
Lili Chen
Mobile: 0171-4970557
Amitofo Care Center Germany e.V.
Sedanstr. 1
40217 Dusseldorf
First a self-study film:
P.S. Please bring sporty, comfortable clothes and shoes, as well as a towel.
2 Months at ACC Namibia — Report by Beatrix von Eycken — Page 3
Lecture on 18.02.2018 for the New Year Celebration
at the Amitofo Care Centre Germany e.V.
In Düsseldorf
2 Months at Amitofo Care Centre of Namibia (abbrv. ACC Namibia or Centre)
Report by Beatrix von Eycken
Page 3:
The children at ACC Namibia: the admission process
The children I encountered there were between 6 and 8 years old. The admission process is very time-consuming: The legal guardians can contact ACC Namibia via SMS, Whatsapp, telephone or e-mail. Each request will be responded. Towards the end of the year, in time for the start of the new school year (in January of each year), the director and the Namibian social worker Martha set off. All children for whom an application has been made will be visited. From time to time Min and Martha are accompanied by other staff, if e.g. translators are needed. There are 11 ethnic groups with their own languages in Namibia. English or Afrikaans is not always spoken in the families. In these cases, local employees with the appropriate language skills are drawn to translate.
Visits to the children serve to form an understanding of the circumstances in which they live. Orphans will be definitely accepted, half-orphan often. For the children, who still have both parents, a matrix has been developed that assesses: in which environment do the children live, do the parents have work, are the parents able to take care of the children, etc. Photos and a report from each child will be taken. Only after all children have been visited, the choice then be made. At the end of 2017, there were more than 100 applications, which means over 100 visits had to be done. And the distances in Namibia are great …
At the beginning of the school year, the children will be picked up by ACC Namibia and examined at the nearest hospital at the expense of the organization. This is where life begins in the Centre: Once you are admitted, all the school education, school supplies, drugstore items for the children, medical care, are provided by Centre. Also – if necessary – the journey to the family, because once or twice a year it goes back home. Shortly before the start of the big holiday in December, just before the end of the school year, the parents are invited to a Family Day. The children practice dances, songs, small plays and Kung-Fu choreographies, which they proudly show their parents. The parents should get an impression of the life of their children in the Centre. If the parents can not come because of the distances, they will be picked up and later brought home together with the children.
The children and the school
The school education is based on the Namibian curriculum and consists of the classes 1 – 12. The school operation in the Centre is still developing currently. At the end of 2017 there were the classes Pre-Primary and 1 and 2. With each school year the following will be added. Local teachers teach. Their selection emphasizes that they can live up to the circumstances. The children are coming from a difficult environment and have already been through a lot. They bring their problems, fears and worries to the Centre and often feel homesick at the beginning. All these need to be taken by experienced educators. To ensure this, the Namibian principal accompanies the selection of appropriate forces.
The additional offer from Centre also helps the children to settle in: they move a lot and receive Kung-Fu as well as meditation lessons. The principal confirmed that this helps them to calm down after a period of exercise. In order to increase the career opportunities of the children, they also receive Chinese lessons. Classes in these subjects are given by Asian teachers.
How do the children live?
The children live together with their nannies. A nanny takes care of 8 children, spends her time outside school, is the contact person and sleeps next door, so that the children are never alone. ACC Namibia strives to hire nannies from the same ethnic groups as the children. This is to make sure that they do not lose their roots, that they do not forget their own language (the school teaches English and Afrikaans, the lessons themselves take place in English), get to know their own songs and dances. Several children sleep in a room. Each has a desk, storage space for his or her belongings and a bed.
Martha, the Namibian social worker, is also always available with help and advice. She is a woman with great work experience, to whom children and employees trust. The children can contact her at any time, as well as the nannies, if they notice any abnormalities.
2 Months at ACC Namibia — Report by Beatrix von Eycken — Page 2
Lecture on 18.02.2018 for the New Year Celebration
at the Amitofo Care Centre Germany e.V.
In Düsseldorf
2 Months at Amitofo Care Centre of Namibia (abbrv. ACC Namibia or Centre)
Report by Beatrix von Eycken
Page 2:
The daily routine
At the end of 2017, the Centre hosts 54 children, 11 overseas employees and 24 Namibian employees, some of whom live in the Centre, but to some extent also in Okahandja.
The days of Centre residents begin early. For the children with a morning ceremony in the temple. Then it goes for the first sports unit to the Kung-Fu hall. At 6:40 there is breakfast (Sundays at 7:00), lunch at 12:00, dinner at 18:00. All eat in silence. You only hear eagerly scraping of cutlery on dishes. After dinner, the adults who live in the Centre play with the children or pursue their own activities. At 19:00 o’clock the children and at 20:00 o’clock most adults are in their rooms. Wi-Fi was always a problem, so watching movies or surfing rarely worked. You go to bed early. My room was opposite of the temple. In the morning the singing of the children woke me up. There is hardly a way to wake up more beautifully.
For Julie, the cook and her team, as well as the children’s nannies, the working day started well before breakfast. For most other employees, the day starts at 8 o’clock. Until then, the bus which brings the staff from Okahandja, arrived. After lunch, there is a break for children and employees. Then work continues until 16:00 o’clock. The local staff, who do not live in the Centre, will be picked up again by 4:00 pm by bus. Only a few people can afford a private car. The bus is not public transport. There is almost no such thing. It is hired and paid by employees of various employers and then drives from station to station. ACC Namibia wants to change this for their own employees and organize their own transfer. This saves money and time for local employees.
The staff that stay at the Centre and the children share breakfast and dinner together. Every day and every meal, Julie and her staff serve Asian food for the overseas staff and local food for the kids and Namibian staff.
Saturdays will be worked till noon. After lunch, the free time begins. You can do your laundry (without a washing machine), watching the cows and goats that always get lost somewhere of the centre, playing GO (a strategic board game) with colleagues or badminton. When we found the game in one of the donation containers, the joy was huge.
For some professions, e.g. nannies, other working hours apply: they also work weekends, start earlier and work longer. They are entitled to free days, which they then have to take in such a way when care for the children by their colleagues is guaranteed. There are similar regulations for the kitchen staff.
Slowly, another sense of time sets in: There is always a lot to do, but the feeling of being rushed disappears. All life takes place in this one place. There are no long ways and you just have to take care of your task. Cooking, shopping, planning your free time: All these do not happen. Either because there is no possibility, or because others take care (like Julie about the food). There is hardly any distraction by the media.
The overseas employees are divided into two groups and on Sundays trips are made alternately. This opportunity is used to do the necessary shopping in Windhoek and Okahandja or to explore the area.
2 Months at ACC Namibia — Report by Beatrix von Eycken — Page 5
Lecture on 18.02.2018 for the New Year Celebration
at the Amitofo Care Centre Germany e.V.
In Düsseldorf
2 Months at Amitofo Care Centre of Namibia (abbrv. ACC Namibia or Centre)
Report by Beatrix von Eycken
Page 5:
The motivation of Overseas employees
With which expectations do the overseas employees come to Namibia? Not all of them are Buddhists, few are young, most are over 40, many are over 50. There is no need to be adventurous. There is a lot of work, some 7 days a week and the Centre is far from any distraction. Drink a beer or go shopping? Dead loss. There is no TV, Wi-Fi, with which one could watch movies over laptop, is not stable enough. The most exciting thing I experienced was the 3.80 m long giant python that was discovered and killed on the neighboring farm. Even the goats and cows that came by regularly offered a variety. Water is scarce. Not an easy life.
So why do people take it all on? I asked some of them and their answers were, “Doing good,” “supporting Hui Li,” and “sharing good things.”
My personal resume
What is the correct adjective to describe my experiences? Difficult. If I should limit myself to one, I choose “enriching”. It was not all nice, it was often difficult, there were language problems, cultural differences and always a feeling of loneliness.
You get to know another life: you have no distraction, you can not escape the environment. You have to arrange. Over and over again. You should not show your feelings spontaneously, because you have to be able to face the other the next day. You can not stay out of the way. The usual distractions are not available. One becomes humble. And gets by. You realize that you can live with little and it is still sufficient and you realize that you are surrounded by a community in which you are supported.
Page 3: The Children at ACC Namibia: The Admission Process