Lecture: Reborn of used cables — Muxiang Kang

Lecture: Reborn of used cables

The cables were in use from the Taipei 101 and transported 13 million guests.
A total of 480 kilometers of cables lay in the camp and wait anew.
Artist Muxiang Kang has worked 1 1/2 years to clean the hard cables
and transformed them in different figures.

Speaker: Mr Muxiang Kang
Venue and time:
Sun. July 30, 2017
14: 30-16: 30
Amitofo Care Centre Germany e. V.
Sedanstr. 1, 40217 Düsseldorf

Organizer: Alumni Rhine-Taipei Chinese School
German-Chinese Businesswomen Association Middle

Participation fee: 10€

Please fill in the form in the link.
Contact person:
Lili Chen: chen@jj-computer.com
